The Selangor Symphony Youth Orchestra offers scholarships for players who play the endangered instruments such as the viola, double bass, bassoon, and trombone. These players receive up to 100% scholarships to participate in our weekly orchestra training on every Saturday 3pm - 6pm.
Players who play the above instruments will receive:
If pass grade 5 will receive 50% off from our Term Fee
If pass grade 6 and above will receive 100% off from our Term Fee
Open for viola, double bass, bassoon and trombone, and meet the following requirements:​
Aged between 11 and 24 and will participate in our weekly orchestra training on every Saturday 3pm - 6pm
Minimum standard Trinity College London Grade 4 or equivalent and/pass our audition requirement by submitting audition videos.​
To commit in our weekly training on every Saturday from 3pm - 6pm and to participate in all our concerts and projects such as music camp, workshop, etc.
You must remain good orchestra etiquette with good attendance in our orchestra
Your scholarship is offered by Term basis and will be reviewed end of every Term by our conductors and coaches to determine any continuation of your scholarship
You must have a private instrumental teacher and are taking weekly lessons on the instrument that you are applying
All new players are required to pay a one-time RM60 Application & Audition Fee which comes with our SSYO T-shirt
Fill in and submit the Online Application HERE
Submit 2 audition pieces. Audition pieces can be downloaded from HERE
All applicants have the choice to submit the audition video from ONE of the following: 1) by email send to For large video files you may consider WeTransfer WeTransfer is the simplest way to share large files up to 2GB for free. 2) upload in Google Drive and email to us, 3) send audition video via Whatsapp to us at +6014-974-6885.
To learn more about the audition and other info please visit our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page​
Fill in and submit the Online Application
You will be contacted by us to submit your video recording AFTER we receive and review your application
Upon successful on your audition, you will be notified to become member of the SSYO.​​